Teacher Instructions

Copyrighted materials. All of the projects on this website are provided freely for personal use only. A written permission is required for an organization to use this material in public or if there is any charge to the student whether it is for profit or not. Email to copyright@robotsforfun.com to request permission for using this material.

The computer programming language used for programming the Arduino is basically C++ with the addition of some special hardware commands that are unique to the Arduino environment.

Beginners class

The basic robotics curriculum is designed to take 15 hours divided into five 3-hour periods.

Day Project Hardware Stuff You'll Learn Software Stuff You'll Learn
Day 1 Project 1: My First Arduino Project Arduino IDE, LED setup, loop, ; (semicolon), { } (curly braces),
// and /* */ (comments),
pinMode, OUTPUT,
digitalWrite, HIGH and LOW, delay
Project 2: Making music digital output pin, buzzer, breadboard tone, noTone, #define, #include
Day 2 Project 3: Breadboard Breadboard
Project 3: LED LED, resistor
Project 3: External LED int (variable declaration),
= (variable assignment)
Project 4: Two LEDs, Five LEDs
Day 3 Project 19: Ultrasonic distance sensor Distance sensor delayMicroseconds, pulseIn, functions
Project 31: DC motor DC motor, motor control integrated circuit (IC) chip
Day 4 Project 32: Robot car
Day 5 Custom design own autonomous robot All the hardware stuff you have learned All the software stuff you have learned

Do this exit survey

Final show-and-tell presentation

All of the materials needed to complete this basic curriculum are in the Robot Kit.

To follow systematically through this curriculum, start with Project #1 - My First Arduino Project.

At the end of each project, click on the Experiments button

to do the experiments. New ideas and commands are also introduced in the experiments. So in order to fully understand the material, these experiments must be performed.

After doing the experiments, click on the Next Project button

to go to the next project.

At the end of the basic robotics curriculum, students will have learned how to write simple computer programs, and be able to control the electronic components covered using the Arduino microcontroller. They also will have custom designed and made an object-avoidance self-running autonomous robot on their own without any detail instructions.

Intermediate class

The intermediate robotics curriculum is designed to take 15 hours divided into five 3-hour periods.

Day Project Hardware Stuff You'll Learn Software Stuff You'll Learn
Day 1 Project 9: RGB LED RGB LED analogWrite, for, ++ (increment),
- - (decrement), <, >=
Project 10: 7-segment LED display 7-segment LED display functions, switch...case, break, random number
Day 2 Project 7: Push button push button, pull-up and pull-down resistors digitalRead, INPUT, if, else, ==
Project 17: Tilt sensor tilt sensor, pull-up and pull-down resistors digitalRead, INPUT, if, else, ==
Day 3 Project 16: Light sensor photo resistor analogRead, Serial.begin, Serial.write, if, else
Project 6: Potentiometer variable resistor analogRead, Serial.begin, Serial.write, if, else
Day 4 Project 18: IR sensor IR sensor if, else, ==
Project 28: Servo motor Servo motor #include Servo.h library
Day 5 Project 23: Temperature/Humidity sensor Temperature/Humidity sensor #include DHT library
Project 15: OLED Display organic led (OLED) display SSD1306 library, drawing library

Do this exit survey

Final show-and-tell presentation