
Resistors are used to reduce the current. Resistors have either four or five color bands to specify the value of the resistor.

All the resistors that we will be using have four color bands as shown next.

150 ohm resistor

The following chart shows how to read the resistor value using the color code
Resistor code Resistor code

This resistor with brown-green-brown has a resistance value of 150 Ω. The 4th color band (gold) means that the accuracy of the value is ± 5%.
We usually are not too concerned about the accuracy of the value, so we will ignore the 4th color band.

What is the value of a resistor with orange-orange-brown? 330 ohm resistor 330 Ω.
What is the value of a resistor with brown-black-red? 1K ohm resistor 1000 = 1K Ω.
What is the value of a resistor with yellow-violet-red? 4.7K ohm resistor 4700 = 4.7K Ω.
What is the value of a resistor with red-red-orange? 22K ohm resistor 22000 = 22K Ω.