8x7-Segment LED Display Experiments

After completing the Eight 7-Segment LED Displays project, test yourself by trying these experiments.

1 Here's the code to count 1, 2, 3, ... Try it to see what happens. Open up the serial monitor to see the correct count. Why does the count not show up correctly?
2 Write the code to display the count from 0 to 99. Try to write the code yourself before looking at my code.
3 Write the code to display a digital clock with hours, minutes, and seconds. Try to write the code yourself before looking at my code.
4 Write the code to randomly turn on and off any LED. Try to write the code yourself before looking at my code.
5 How fast can you react? Here's a fun reaction game code.

Connections to the Arduino:
  • MAX7219 four-digit 7-segment display: DIN to pin 12, CS to pin 11, CLK to pin 10
  • Push button to pin 8. The other push button pin to +5V
  • Buzzer to pin 3. The other buzzer pin to GND
  • (Optional) RGB Led: R to pin 5, G to pin 6, B to pin 9